Though from our "outing", that idea seems too far-fetched.
So I won't really be counting on it or anything.
I seriously think I'm crazy to actually type out all these stuff for you. Because you probably won't even read it since you don't really visit this blog right? So, MM can print this out and show them during their tuition lessons. I hope.
(Wow this sounds so cool! Like a title of some book)
First things first.
What is PSLE?
If you don’t know, well, I just have to wonder whether you have been living under a rock all those years.
So I guess I don’t have to elaborate on that. (I hope).
You don’t really have to stress too much over PSLE.
According to my History Teacher in Nanyang (who will hereby be referred to as simply “HT”, for confidential reasons), PSLE is unreliable.
Oh, and I think that Mr. Ong has mentioned to you that PSLE isn’t really important.
Ok, the reason why it’s unreliable is that not everyone can release their full potential during PSLE. Many other factors could affect your performance, like nervousness, and worse, if you got ill.
For example, ME. I got a lowly 266 for PSLE which ranks about No. 20+ out of the 32 students in my class in Nanyang. But in the end, well, let’s just say I improved by…A LOT?
So well, PSLE can’t really measure your level of intelligence. You might score really well during school exams, but your marks could drop by say, 10, for PSLE. There were true cases for some of my classmates in BPPS.
And the importance of PSLE?
Well, it is only there to get you into a good secondary school. That’s all it does. Because, like what Mr. Ong said, no company will want to look at how high/low you score for PSLE. What matters next after PSLE is, O’levels, A’levels and university.
How to study for PSLE?
Well, just don’t stress over it too much.
For me, I didn’t really study much.
But well, if you study at the last minute, don’t bother about Chinese.
There’s really no need to study for Chinese, because it’s so easy. And there’s nothing much to study for that.
I really don’t have many ideas for this…so…
Just study what your teacher tells you to.
If I’m not wrong, yours is one of the blessed batches to use calculators right?
So remember to learn properly how to use them accurately and quickly.
How did I survive PSLE?
That’s a really good question.
But I forgot.
I seriously can’t remember what I was doing before PSLE…
However, I do remember I had an awful stomachache before most of the PSLE exams.
You know, when you’re really really nervous and you get those butterflies in your stomach while practically ruins all possibilities of concentration and makes you just want to rush to the toilet and waste precious exam time?
Well. My solution to that was humming/singing songs. It really does work, because it takes your mind off the pain. It’s better if you hum/sing an energizing/happy song instead of a melancholic/woeful song though.
These is all I can think of now.
If you have any questions, tag/post on this blog.
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